Tuesday, August 27, 2013

“Second Class Healthcare for Monaghan Citizens” – Cllr. Brian McKenna

A 62 year old recovering from a broken arm in Navan hospital, dressed only in tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, was put in a taxi and sent home by the hospital recently. The Monaghan man, who a few days earlier had fallen down the stairs and broke his arm, was told, when he rang for an ambulance, that he wasn’t bad enough to send an ambulance out to him. North Monaghan Sinn Fein councillor Brian McKenna has described the treatment of this man as “an absolute disgrace in this day and age and just proves that when it comes to healthcare, Monaghan people are treated as second class citizens. “This man, who is single and lives alone, lay in his own house for about seven hours with a badly smashed arm because he didn’t want to annoy family members following the refusal of the ambulance service to collect him. He was discovered by his brother the following morning in a distressed state and was brought by car to Cavan hospital. He subsequently had his arm fixed up in Navan hospital and despite the hospital administration being advised he lived on his own, they proceeded to eject him from the hospital without any attempt to provide home help for this man. “We are presently trying to secure some home help hours for him as he cannot cook or indeed get dressed without help. I, for one, will not accept this treatment of Monaghan people and will continue to highlight these outrageous practices by those tasked with providing ‘healthcare’ to our people. “When the Fianna Fáil government were downgrading Monaghan hospital we were advised that there would be rehabilitation beds in Monaghan where patients who had procedures carried out in other hospitals would be repatriated to Monaghan hospital to recuperate. However, increasingly the HSE are now trying to send those patients directly home, thereby breaking their promises on what services people could expect in the future. People need to stand up to these bully-boy tactics and hold the HSE accountable to their promises. “This is far from the healthcare promised by James Reilly and Fine Gael when in opposition about how things would be different when they got into power. The reality is that there is not one jot of difference between Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil policies and it’s long past time they took Mary O’Rourke’s advice and amalgamate. These will not be forgotten easily by those who suffer the consequence of James Reilly’s broken promises”, concluded Cllr. McKenna.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Carthy says Camper Park facility will help boost Carrickmacross Tourism

The Mayor of Carrickmacross, Matt Carthy, has contended that the provision of a facility which will allow for the safe overnight parking of Camper Vans will help boost tourism in the South Monaghan Town.
Cllr. Carthy has said that he was extremely pleased that the members of Carrickmacross Town Council had agreed with his proposal that officials be asked to identify a site for such a facility and that they aim to have it in place in time for next Summer. Cllr. Carthy said that the idea for his proposal arose from a discussion at a previous meeting of the Carrickmacross-Carhaix Twinning Committee. Speaking this week Cllr. Carthy said: “Camper Van ownership has increased substantially in Ireland over recent years. Many Camper Van owners take short, impromptu weekend trips. What they seek is a safe place to park with the provision of water, electricity and waste water facilities. I believe we can provide that in Carrickmacross and that in turn local businesses will benefit from the resulting visitors. “I have been very pleased with the positive approach to this idea from other councillors and the council officials who have said they are very willing to explore this idea. I have asked that a small Camper-Van facility ‘Aire’ be put in place at a location which will allow for expansion in future years if proven successful. “I think it is ideas like this that will help improve tourism numbers to County Monaghan” Cllr. Carthy concluded.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Barry McElduff Monaghan Book Signing this Saturday

The Sinn Féin bookshop on Monaghan Town’s Dublin Street will this Saturday host the renowned republican raconteur and wit, Barry McElduff from County Tyrone. No stranger to County Monaghan Barry McElduff will be here on this occasion to launch his new book under the title of his famous catchphrase Keep ’Er Lit. During the 2011 Assembly elections, Tyrone MLA Barry ended a very worthy political interview on BBC TV by cheerily urging host Noel Thompson to “Keep ’er lit” hardly the language expected of long serving politicians. But, Barry is not a normal politician. He is a Sinn Féiner, a republican and he is great craic. People of all political persuasions can agree to that. Now Barry (a former columnist with An Phoblacht) has produced a handy tome of 92 short stories and anecdotes garnered from his experiences of republicanism, GAA and community activism and titled Keep ’Er Lit. In his introduction to Wee Barry’s wee book, Tyrone GAA All-Ireland winner Peter Canavan says: “Me and Barry went in two different directions: I wanted desperately to win an All-Ireland and Barry wanted desperately to free it.” Peter describes the collection as “Barry’s unique take” on Tyrone, Ireland and life in general. The book signing will take place on this Saturday, 1st December, from 3-5pm at the Sinn Féin shop on Dublin Street, Monaghan Town.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sinn Féin to Protest against March handover of €3.1Billion to Anglo Irish Bank

County Monaghan Sinn Féin this week outlined details of a series of protests and demonstrations against the government’s intention to hand over a further €3.1 Billion to Anglo Irish Bank on the 31st March next.

The party will be holding information stalls and accompanying protests in Carrickmacross from 11am to 12noon and in Castleblayney from 1-2pm this coming Saturday to which members of the public are invited to attend. Further events will take place in Ballybay and Clones and the party’s activities will culminate in a county-wide mobilisation in Monaghan Town on March 10th.

Speaking in advance of this weekends protests the chairperson of County Monaghan Sinn Féin, Matt Carthy, said:

“Fine Gael and Labour promised the electorate that there would not be ‘another red cent’ handed over to Anglo Irish Bank by way of paying bondholders or promissory notes. They reneged and have simply taking over from where Fianna Fáil left off by crippling local economies and targeting struggling families while paying Billions upon Billions over to un-guaranteed, unsecured bondholders.

“On the 31st March Fine Gael and Labour intend to hand over a further €3.1 Billion to Anglo Irish Bank. This is money that is being cut from the health services, from schools and from local services including Garda stations and rural transport. It is money that is being taken from struggling families by measures including the VAT hike and the new household charge.

“This Saturday’s protests in Carrickmacross and Castleblayney are an opportunity for the people of Monaghan to shout “Stop!”. I am asking all of you who want to see a better, fairer approach to our economic crisis to come along and voice your demand. It is time the government parties heard the concerns of the people they are supposed to represent.”

Protest: Carrickmacross (Assemble- Market Square) 11am – 12noon
Castleblayney (Assemble- Main Street) 1-2pm

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

McKenna raises Medical Assessment Unit with HSE Forum

Feasibility report due before end of the month

Sinn Féin Councillor, Brian McKenna raised the issue of the Medical Assessment Unit at Monaghan General Hospital at the HSE’s Regional Forum when it met earlier this week.

In a question to the HSE executive Cllr. McKenna asked when it is expected that the feasibility report into the development of a M.A.U at Monaghan General Hospital will be completed. He pointed out that it was now almost three months since this work was commenced that people were led to believe that it would be completed within 6 - 8 weeks.

In a written response by HSE Area Manager, Leo Kinsella, Cllr. McKenna was informed that:

“A representative group has been established by the HSE to undertake a feasibility study on the development of a Medical Assessment Unit in Monaghan Hospital. This independent feasibility study will establish if there is a clinical need for a Medical Assessment Unit in Monaghan Hospital for the Monaghan population and establish the pay and non pay costs and internal/external support services associated with the establishment and running of a MAU in Monaghan.

“The project will demonstrate evidence of the local health demographic and local health data of the Monaghan population relevant to medical assessment unit services.

“The group commenced its work on Monday, 17th October, 2011 and the timeframe for completion of the project is 6 – 8 weeks. A report will be completed by end January 2012.

“The membership of the Group are as follows:-

“Dr. Louise Doherty, Specialist in Public Health Medicine, HSE North West;
Dr. James Hayes, Consultant Physician and Clinical Director, Cavan General Hospital;
Ms. Eileen Whelan, Director of Nursing, Louth/Meath Hospital Group, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital;
Ms. Ruth Murdiff, (Service User Panel Representative);
Mr. Robert Dancey, (Service User Panel Representative);
Mr. Gerry Clerkin, Risk Advisor, Risk Management Department, Cavan and Monaghan Hospitals;
Mr. Cathal Hand, Development Officer, Primary and Community Care, HSE Cavan Monaghan;
Dr. Ilona Duffy, General Practitioner, Monaghan.”

Speaking afterwards Cllr. McKenna welcomed that some progress had been made on this issue to date and that the feasibility report is scheduled to be published by the end of January. The Sinn Féin representative stated that his party would continue to press the HSE and the government to deliver the promised Medical Assessment Unit at a matter of urgency and priority.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sinn Féin TD, senator and councillors meet Lagan Brick workers

Sinn Féin Cavan-Monaghan TD, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin this afternoon (Thursday) met with the protesting workers at Lagan Brick in Kingscourt, Co Cavan. He called on the firm’s owners to engage with the workers at the Labour Relations Commission and expressed solidarity with the workers’ protest at what he called their “disgraceful treatment by the company”.

Deputy Ó Caoláin was accompanied at the meeting by Sinn Féin Senator Kathryn Reilly, Cavan county councillor Paddy McDonald, Monaghan county councillor Matt Carthy and local party activist Martin Malone.

Speaking after the meeting, Deputy Ó Caoláin said:

“The Lagan Brick workers have Sinn Féin’s full support in their protest at the disgraceful treatment they have received from the owners of Lagan Brick.

“They were told at an hour’s notice, ten days before Christmas, that their jobs were gone and that the plant would close. There was no negotiation, no proper redundancy procedure and no redundancy payment beyond statutory redundancy.

“One of the 25 workers we met this afternoon has given 43 years’ service to the company. Every one of them has over 20 years’ service. They have maintained a 24-hour vigil at the plant since they were laid off on 15 December.

“Lagan Brick claims that the Kingscourt plant must close but workers believe that the company’s position is not as it has claimed and that it is viable. They fear that following their lay-offs the company may well seek to employ agency workers at lower rates of pay and poorer conditions.

“The workers have agreed to talks at the Labour Relations Commission. I appeal to the Lagan Brick owners to engage in this process without further delay and to reach a just resolution.

“The Sinn Féin elected representatives at today’s meeting agreed to raise the issue in the Oireachtas and at council level. I also undertook to liaise with other political party representatives in an effort to construct an all-party united front in support of the workers’ demands.”

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sinn Féin United Campaign against EirGrid/ NIE Pylons continues

The Sinn Féin “Working Group on the North South Inter-connector” is continuing to meet regular and is reporting that their campaign will build in the coming months as the planning processes both north and south move to a critical stage. A public hearing into the Armagh and Tyrone element of the proposal will take place in March 2012 while it is expected that EirGrid will re-submit a planning application to An Bord Pleanála imminently.

On Saturday last a sub committee of the working group comprising of Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD, Cathal Boylan MLA (Armagh) along with Councillors Matt Carthy (Monaghan) and Gerard Paul White (Armagh) met to discuss upcoming priorities. The Sinn Féin group have also arranged to meet the Anti Monaghan Anti Pylon committee and SEAT (Safe Electricity in Armagh and Tyrone). It is expected that they will also meet with the Meath based NEPP in the coming weeks.

Sinn Féin have outlined as their immediate priorities:
- Placing pressure on Fine Gael to live up to the pre-election commitments to compensate local communities for their costs associated with the first An Bord Pleanála hearing.
- Trying to secure a united all-party front in opposition to the ‘over-grounding’ of the inter-connector at the public hearings in the six counties.
- Outlining the case for undergrounding to the Northern Minister for Environment, Alex Attwood, who will have ultimate say in the planning process in the six counties.
- Pressing the Fine Gael/ Labour government to follow the lead of other states who have determined that all future high-voltage power lines be under-grounded.

The working group have outlined that Sinn Féin remains the only party, North or South, that has adopted as official policy, the position that the North South Inter-connector can only proceed if it is under-grounded and they have called on other parties to follow suit.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Republicans hold dignified vigil to mark anniversary of Dublin/ Monaghan bombings

Coinciding with the visit to Dublin of the English Queen, over 70 Republicans gathered at the Diamond, Monaghan on Tuesday evening in a dignified vigil marking the 37th anniversary of the bombings in Dublin and Monaghan in 1974. Among those in attendance were the Mayor of County Monaghan, Jackie Crowe, and several Sinn Féin elected representatives.

34 members of the demonstration held black flags symbolising the thirty-four people (including an unborn child) who were killed when loyalist bombs detonated in Monaghan and Dublin. Others held placards highlighting the fact that the Irish government has withdrawn funding for the victims group ‘Justice for the Forgotten’ while spending an estimated €40million on hosting the English queen who is also the commander-in-chief of the British Armed Forces. It is widely believed that those forces were behind the bomb attacks 37 years ago. The British government continue to refuse to hand over their files relating to the bombings which would assist the families get to the full truth behind the happenings of that day.

Tuesday’s vigil was held between 5 and 6pm and received widespread signals of support from passers-by.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Seamus McElwain 25th Anniversary Commemoration

Republicans from across Counties Monaghan, Fermanagh and further afield are expected to be in attendance at Knockatallon this coming Easter Saturday evening to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of IRA Volunteer Seamus McElwain who was killed in an undercover ambush by the British SAS in 1986.

The commemoration in Knockatallon will commence at 6.30pm, assembling at the monument dedicated to Seamus. Gerry Kelly is the main speaker.

This will be followed by the launch of a special book produced to mark the anniversary and an exhibition in the Sliabh Beagh Hotel after. The events will conclude with an Irish night with music by Paddywagon.

Fermanagh man, Seán Lynch, was with Seamus McElwain when they were attacked. Seán was seriously injured in the ambush, unfortunately Seamus’ young life was taken.

Encouraging people to come along to the commemoration, Seamus's good friend and comrade Sean Lynch said:

“I am extremely proud to call myself a close friend and comrade of Seamus McElwain. I would encourage everyone to join with us in remembering a revolutionary freedom fighter. Seamus McElwain was a dauntless and brave IRA volunteer who struck fear into the British War Machine in the 6 Counties and even though he was momentarily captured, he was an integral part of the 1983 Great Escape when he alongside 37 IRA political prisoners escaped from Long Kesh.

“At his funeral Gerry Adams spoke passionately about Seamus describing him ‘a brave intelligent soldier, a young man who gave up his youth to fight for the freedom of his country, an Irish freedom fighter murdered by British terrorists.’”

Seán continued: “Seamus gave his all to bring about necessary change and freedom to our country. He dedicated his whole life and gave the ultimate sacrifice so that young people of the future could live in a free and equal Ireland. Seamus was a revolutionary through and through, he was inherently political in fact he stood himself in the 1982 General Election in Cavan/Monaghan receiving almost 4000 votes.”

All are welcome to attend these special anniversary events.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monaghan Sinn Féin protest against IMF “sell-out”

Members of Sinn Féin in County Monaghan protested on Monday evening last at what they described was the “IMF sell-out” by the government. Despite the short notice over 40 people gathered at the courthouse in Monaghan Town and held an hour-long silent protest. Among the banners and placards held were proclamations stating “No Mandate for IMF Intervention”, “Fianna Fáil Sell-Out Again” and “There is a better way”.

Those in attendance included Sinn Féin Dáil leader, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin and elected councillors from across the county. The party stated afterwards that the protest was a symbolic gesture to register the disgust of ordinary people at the governments failures in recent times.

Speaking after the event the chairperson of Monaghan Sinn Féin, Matt Carthy, thanked the public of Monaghan for their support during the protest. He said: “It is clear, even from speaking to lifelong Fianna Fáil supporters, that there is huge anger at the actions of this government over the past week. Their policy of cutting public services and targeting the vulnerable has, as Sinn Féin asserted, failed. We now have the embarrassing and humiliating experience of being forced by the EU to apply for a bail-out. Even though this is a loan which will be a huge burden on future generations we are further expected to accept interference from outside governments in how we manage our economic affairs. It is nothing short of a disgrace that it has come to this.

“Our protest on Monday was just a symbolic gesture to register the anger of people in County Monaghan. The real way that our anger can be registered will be, of course, when a general election is called. It is unforgivable that before the electorate will have their opportunity to pass judgement the government intends to introduce even more measures which will devastate families and businesses across the state. Unfortunately they have been broadly supported by the so-called opposition parties in Fine Gael and Labour.

“For our part, Sinn Féin will continue to argue that there is a better way. Our policies, once dismissed by the other parties, are now being endorsed by an ever growing section of independent analysts. We have the policies that can get Ireland back working without inflicting huge pain on ordinary families. We will not be diverted from articulating that position”.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sinn Féin Protest in Monaghan TODAY

Monaghan Sinn Féin has organised a protest which will take place at the Courthouse in Monaghan Town at 5pm. This is part of a series of protests taking place throughout the 26 Counties today over the Government’s handing over of authority for the state to outsiders in order to bailout the banks.

The chairperson of Monaghan Sinn Féin, Cllr. Matt Carthy, has urged people to support the protest. He said: “People are rightly stunned and angry at the actions of this Fianna Fáil government. They are disillusion by the fact that the government’s plans have been supported by the so-called opposition parties Fine Gael and labour. The fact is that Sinn Féin’s analysis has again been proven right although there is no comfort in that.

“Today’s protest is about sending a clear message that this Government has no mandate to do what it is doing. It has handed over authority for the state to outsiders in order to get a dig-out for the banks, which the Irish people will have to pay for.

“The Government should resign so that citizens can have their say in a General Election. I urge people in Monaghan to support our protest today and send a very clear message to Fianna Fáil.”

Monday, October 18, 2010

“Fianna Fáil should be honest on hospital” – Brian McKenna

North Monaghan & Regional Health Forum member Cllr. Brian McKenna has welcomed the fact that Deputy Margaret Conlon has finally woken up to the potential for development at Monaghan General Hospital. However the Sinn Féin Councillor said that Fianna Fáil couldn’t have it both ways – stating that they have no say in relation to decisions affecting the hospital one minute and then claiming to be making a contribution to its future in the next sentence.

Cllr. McKenna said “perhaps if Deputy Conlon had been as positive and forceful when the HSE were removing services from Monaghan General Hospital we wouldn’t be in the situation we are now. Instead Deputy Conlon, and her Fianna Fáil colleagues, used the HSE mantra that no service would be removed until another was put in place elsewhere when clearly the HSE had failed to provide alternative and accessible services for the people. I don’t think that people will be fooled by this so called 5 point plan for Monaghan General Hospital. What Deputy Conlon should be calling for is the return of medical cover to our hospital and for the ICU to treat patients suffering from heart attacks. What has been suggested is all very low key, the bulk either already committed or being argued for by a variety of voices.

“Many of us have been battling with the HSE over the past 12 months to ensure patients from Drogheda and Dublin hospitals would be repatriated to Monaghan and we now have that commitment in place. The long promised CT scanner will soon be operational as a result of continued pressure on the HSE when both Deputy O’Hanlon and Deputy Conlon were silent on these issues.

“What the people of Monaghan now want and deserve is honesty from government representatives such as Deputy Conlon. They can force a change in HSE policy and they could have prevented services being removed from our hospital. They should acknowledge their failures to date and join with Sinn Féin, Fine Gael and the Hospital Alliance in our shared campaign to have them restored.”

Monday, August 9, 2010

Carthy welcomes significant breakthrough on controversial Mortgage Protection Scheme

Carrickmacross Sinn Féin Councillor Matt Carthy has welcomed, as a significant breakthrough for residents, the agreement of Monaghan County Council that some home purchasers under the ‘affordable house scheme’ will now be able to revert to cheaper mortgage protection insurance.

In a long running sage Cllr. Carthy and residents of Bothar Eanna have been in a battle with Monaghan County Council after the local authority had initially permitted mortgage holders to obtain independent protection insurance but then insisted that they return to the more expensive scheme operated by the council. This week Cllr. Carthy said he had been disappointed with the attitude of the council throughout the debacle and that the next step in the campaign would be to ensure that all other mortgage holders would be permitted to seek alternative cover.

Cllr. Carthy told this week how he had been working on this issue for over a year since it was first brought to his attention by residents of Bothar Eanna on the Convent Lands. Since then, he said, “we have met with brick wall after brick wall in trying to get answers”.

The residents had written to the ombudsman as well as seeking meetings with officials in Monaghan County Council. “At every turn they were met with what can only be described as intransigence” Cllr. Carthy said.

Cllr. Carthy continued: “Since I have become involved I have moved motions at meetings of Monaghan County Council and Carrickmacross Town Council which were passed unanimously, I submitted official questions to meetings of the County Council, I spoke directly to Monaghan County Council officials and I wrote to the council’s Director of services on numerous occasions, all without receiving a satisfactory response.

“The turning point came when I spoke to Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin and he in turn submitted Parliamentary Questions to the Minister for Housing on the issue. It was part of one of the responses to these which made it clear that the council could and should allow those who had previously been permitted to opt-out of the council’s scheme to revert to their less expensive cover.

“Even armed with this PQ response I still had to threaten the council with legal proceedings before we received this breakthrough in the past week. While relieved that we have achieved this I am very disappointed in the strategy of Monaghan County Council which appeared to be a hostile one at all times”.

Cllr. Carthy commended the residents involved in continuing to pursue this matter and he thanked his colleague Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD for his assistance. The next step of the campaign he said, would be to highlight the failures of this entire scheme which made people on low incomes pay more than others for mortgage protection insurance.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

McKenna secures HSE concession on repatriation of patients to Monaghan General Hospital

North Monaghan Sinn Féin Councillor and Regional Health Forum member, Brian McKenna, has received a commitment from the HSE that Monaghan General Hospital could and would receive patients from Drogheda and Dublin hospitals following procedures being carried out. Cllr. McKenna had previously highlighted the fact that only patients treated in Cavan could be transferred to Monaghan. He had pointed out the waste of step down and rehabilitation beds available in Monaghan under the previous scheme was informed at a meeting of the Regional Health Forum by Hospital Network Manager Mr. Stephen Mulvany that so long as a reasonable number of beds were available for Cavan patients returning then other patients from Drogheda or Dublin hospitals could and should be accommodated in Monaghan.

Cllr. McKenna in response to Mr. Mulvany’s statement at the meeting requested that this be communicated to the relevant people in the other hospitals. Cllr. McKenna in a statement afterwards said: “this is an issue I have raised in recent months and I know of a number of instances where the HSE have refused to repatriate patients from Drogheda back to Monaghan General Hospital to recover from operations. I very much want to welcome Mr. Mulvany’s acknowledgment of the folly of such a policy and furthermore his commitment to issue the appropriate instruction to the relevant hospitals and staff members. I would encourage people who are unable to cope at home with family members recovering from operations to insist that they are returned to Monaghan where they will receive the appropriate care from qualified staff and make visiting much easier for their relatives. There is no valid reason why beds should be empty in Monaghan and patients lying on trolleys in Cavan, Drogheda or Dublin hospitals” Cllr. McKenna concluded.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SF Regional Heath Forum rep claims HSE are putting Patient Safety at risk

North Monaghan Sinn Féin councillor and member of the Dublin/ North East Regional Health Forum, Brian McKenna, has said the HSE are putting at risk the lives of patients in North Monaghan following their relocation of the Rapid Response Vehicle from Monaghan to Castleblayney. Cllr. McKenna said:

“The North-East Transformation document drawn up prior to the removal of acute medical cover from Monaghan General Hospital promised an enhanced ambulance service which included a Rapid Response Vehicle with appropriately trained advanced paramedics to be based in the county town.

“Since the withdrawal of acute medical cover from the Louth Hospital in Dundalk the HSE have relocated this Rapid Response Vehicle to Castleblayney to provide cover in the North Louth areas. This is a hugely dangerous move and it is placing the lives of people in North Monaghan at serious risk. Where is the concern we hear regularly from HSE and Fianna Fáil spokespersons about patient safety and quality of care. The HSE and government parties have once again broken their commitments to the people of Monaghan.

“I will continue to highlight these failures on their part. Meanwhile, it is incumbent on all political parties to pressurise the HSE to honour its promises to the people. There is especially a responsibility on Fianna Fáil councillors and TD’s to once and for all stand up for the people of County Monaghan. They had the power to keep acute medical cover in Monaghan General Hospital and the failed to do so. They now have the power to have the Rapid Response Vehicle located in our county town but are remaining silent on the issue. It is the very least that the people of North Monaghan should expect” Cllr. McKenna concluded.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Carthy welcomes movement on Cloughvalley Housing Scheme

(Cllr. Matt Carthy and former Mayor of Carrickmacross, Rose McMahon, highlighting the boarded-up houses at Cloughvalley last year)

South Monaghan Sinn Féin Councillor, Matt Carthy, has welcomed the news that the government has finally agreed to live up to its commitment to allocate funding towards the completion of the Remedial Works Scheme at Cloughvalley, Carrickmacross. Cllr. Carthy, who has been campaigning for the funding for several years, said that it was a disgrace that houses had been left vacant for so long at a time when there were hundreds of people on the local authority housing waiting list.

Cllr. Carthy said: “I welcome the announcement that, finally, €2.8million has been allocated towards the demolition and rebuild of the OPD houses in Cloughvalley. I have been extremely angry with the fact that previous tenants were moved out of their homes only for the houses to be left vacant and boarded up for the past couple of years. The houses had become an eye-sore and a focal point for anti-social behaviour.

“The government’s social housing programme has become a charade. No funding is forthcoming for the purchase and building of new houses for the hundreds of individuals and families on local housing waiting lists. Instead money is being squandered on leasing programmes which will just create long term problems for the state and for local authorities. The fact that houses in public ownership had been left idle for so long just exemplified this failed policy.

“I am pleased that the government has finally released funding it had promised in 2004. I am now calling on everyone involved to ensure that the Remedial Works Scheme proceeds, and is completed, without any further delay”.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Carrickmacross Born Journalist among those kidnapped by Israeli Government

Responding to the news that a Carrickmacross born journalist was among those kidnapped by Israeli government forces this week local Councillor Matt Carthy has said that all right-thinking people are outraged at the sheer aggression of Israel.

Paul McGeough lived in Carrickmacross until he was 11 years old when his family emigrated to Australia. He currently works as a journalist with the Sydney Morning Herald and is considered an expert on Middle Eastern Affairs. He was on board a vessel in the Gaza bound Flotilla which was captured in international waters by Israel in violation of international law. He is currently being held captive in Ela prison in Beersheba.

Cllr. Carthy said: “Our thoughts and solidarity are with Paul McGeough and his family at this time. He has, I have no doubt, the support and best wishes of the vast majority of his old neighbours and family friends in his home town of Carrickmacross.

“The actions of the Israeli government have once again shown the world that this is a rogue regime. In the first instance I would join the chorus of those demanding the release of all those involved with the flotilla who are being held captive at this time. I will also be requesting Monaghan County Council, at its meeting next Monday, to join with the other local authorities who have adopted motions condemning the Israeli government and calling on our own Foreign Affairs Minister to expel the Israeli ambassador to Ireland.

“Earlier this year that same ambassador attempted to use our town for a PR exercise and unfortunately was facilitated by our Mayor. Thankfully the majority of Town Councillors rectified our image and removed Zion Evrony’s signature from the town’s distinguished visitors book. Wouldn’t it be a shame if this action had not been taken and for Paul McGeough to be informed that his home town considered a representative of the government who kidnapped him to be a ‘distinguished visitor’? Perhaps those ‘politicos’ who condemned the actions of the Town Council will now understand the motives for our actions.

“Regardless, I hope everyone in Carrickmacross and County Monaghan will join us in expressing hope that Paul McGeough, along with the other Irish citizens kidnapped by Israel, is returned home safe and sound without delay”.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Monaghan Protest at Israeli actions

A hastily arranged protest was organised by Sinn Féin in Monaghan on Monday in response to what the party described as “the murderous actions by Israel” in the early hours of the morning. At least sixteen humanitarian aid workers were killed when the Flotilla with medical and food supplies to Gaza on which they were travelling were attacked by the Israeli Army. The Israeli actions have been described by commentators across the world as cold and calculated.

The protest held at the Courthouse in Monaghan Town on Monday was one of dozens held across the country organised by Sinn Féin, Palestinian Support Groups and Human Rights bodies. Approximately 30 people were in attendance at any given time during the Monaghan event which was enthusiastically received by the public with a chorus of car horns sounding in the vicinity in support of the demonstration for its duration. Among those in attendance were several Sinn Féin members including local Dáil Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin along with Monaghan Councillors Matt Carthy, Jackie Crowe, Brian McKenna and Peter Grimes. Councillor John Martin from Cootehill was also present as were many non-party aligned individuals who wanted to voice their support for the Palestinian people and for those Humanitarian Aid Workers who were attacked.

Speaking following the event Sinn Féin Dáil leader, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin thanked party colleagues and members of the public who had mobilised at short noticed for the event. Deputy Ó Caoláin said there must be action from the International Community and called on the Minister for Foreign Affairs to expel the Israeli Ambassador from the Country.

He said “This cold and calculated attack took place in international waters, in breach of all international maritime laws. There simply must be action from the international community.

“Foreign Affairs Minister Mícheál Martin must expel the Israeli Ambassador from the Country. Furthermore the preferential trade agreement with Israel must be ended.

“This was a humanitarian aid mission carrying 10,000 tonnes of aid to the besieged city of Gaza. The blockade of Gaza is illegal under International law.

“At all stage of preparations to join the flotilla the organisers’ reiterated non-violent and peaceful resistance to any boarding by Israeli army. The Israelis had nothing to fear from this flotilla.

“The attack has left up to 20 dead and fifty injured 10,000 tons of much needed aid wasted.

“My thoughts are with the families of those who died. They were courageous men and women as was each and every person on the flotilla” he concluded.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

McKenna slams government decision to stop CLÁR funding for local roads

North Monaghan Sinn Féin Councillor, Brian McKenna, has slammed the decision of the government to stop CLÁR funding for rural lanes under the Local Improvement Scheme. Cllr. McKenna stated that many lanes within the CLÁR area had received funding under this scheme in recent times and it meant that those living in isolated rural areas were in a position to upgrade and resurface the access to their homes.

He said: “There continues to be many lanes within the CLÁR area in much need of resurfacing. In many cases those living on these lanes are elderly people on their own. Some of them have already been waiting for years for assistance. This government decision will inevitably mean further delays, perhaps for many years, for applicants of this scheme”.

Under the Local Improvement Scheme residents and landowners receive resurfacing works to their lanes provided they make a financial contribution and carry out preparatory works themselves. The CLÁR funding, which has been stopped, provided funding for lanes in the more isolated rural areas.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sinn Féin ask for public support for Easter Rising commemorative events

(Sinn Féin elected representatives at the launch of the 2010 programme of Easter Rising commemorative events at the O'Hanlon memorial this week. L-R Cllr. Gene Duffy (Ballybay), Cllr. Donal Sherry (Monaghan Town) Cllr. Brian McKenna (North Monaghan), Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD, Cllr. Sheila McKenna (North Monaghan), Cllr. Paul McGeown (Monaghan Town), Cllr. Seán Conlon (North Monaghan), Cllr. Padraigín Uí Mhurachadha (Monaghan Town), Cllr. Matt Carthy (Carrickmacross) and Cllr. Peter Grimes (Castleblayney).

Sinn Féin in County Monaghan this week announced full details of their programme of events to mark the 94th anniversary of the Easter Rising.

Sinn Féin will hold no less than fifteen commemorative events across the county, in memory of all those who gave their lives in the cause of Irish freedom. The programme is as follows:

County Commemoration

The main County Monaghan commemoration will take place in Monaghan town on Easter Sunday, 4th April. Assemble time is 3.30pm at the O’Hanlon memorial on the Clones road. There will be music and readings at this point before participants then parade to Latlurcan Cemetery. The main address will be delivered by popular Sinn Féin MLA, Francie Molloy, from Tyrone.

The organisers say that they hope to see the largest crowd in recent years at this years commemoration and that families are particularly welcome to join in the event.

Local Events

Inniskeen, in the south of the county, will host the first of the Easter week-end commemorations. This commemoration will take place on Easter Saturday at 6pm at St. Mary’s cemetery in the village.

On Easter Sunday morning wreath laying ceremonies will take place at the graves of those whose names appear on the County Monaghan Republican Roll of Honour at Annyalla, Carrickroe, Castleblayney, Clara, Clontibret, Corcaghan, Raferagh, Trinity (Rockcorry), Tyholland and Urbleshanny. Generally the ceremonies coincide with local mass times.

On Easter Monday commemorations will take place in Scotshouse and Clones. The Scotshouse parade will assemble at 12noon at the local community centre. The Clones commemoration assembles at 2pm at the Roslea Road carpark.

“Wear an Easter Lily”

Speaking earlier this week the Sinn Féin Cathaoirleach of Monaghan Town Council, Seán Conlon, urged members of the public to wear an Easter Lily. He described the ‘lily’ as a symbol of remembrance for all those who died in the cause of Irish Freedom. Cllr. Conlon also stated that the lily was an expression of the aspiration of the vast majority of Irish people – a sovereign and independent Irish Republic of the whole island.

Cllr. Conlon said: “This weekend republicans across Ireland will gather throughout the country to commemorate the 1916 Rising.

“The Rising was for all the people of Ireland. The actions of the men and women of Easter Week 94 years ago were a beacon of hope for oppressed people across the world. Their proclamation was a visionary and revolutionary document, which is as relevant today as it was then, especially given that many of its aspirations remain unfulfilled.

“We don't have a United Ireland - yet. We don't have a society where all the children of the nation are cherished equally - yet. But we in Sinn Féin believe that we can achieve those aims and create a better society for everyone on this small island - Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter, people of all religions and none, Irish citizens and new communities in our country alike, and we believe that we have a strategy to get there.

“The best memorial to the men and women of 1916 is an Ireland in which the principles of the Proclamation are put into effect - an Irish Republic worthy of its name” he said.

Anybody seeking further details on Easter Rising commemorative events or information on where Easter Lilies will be available should contact the Sinn Féin office in Monaghan at 047-82917.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brian McKenna secures Regional Health Forum backing for retention of services at St. Davnet’s Hospital

North Monaghan Sinn Féin Councillor and member of the HSE Regional Health Forum, Brian McKenna, successfully moved a motion to that body calling for the retention of the Admissions Unit and Day Care Centre at St. Davnet’s Psychiatric Hospital in Monaghan. Significantly the motion was passed unanimously by all the members present at the meeting of the forum held on Monday last.

In moving the motion Cllr. Mckenna stated that St. Davnet’s had a “proud record of service stretching back a long number of years to people in need of psychiatric support from the Cavan and Monaghan areas”. Referring to the document ‘a vision for change’ which recommends the integration of people with psychiatric illnesses into the community as opposed to the institutionalisation method Cllr. McKenna said that St. Davnet’s had led the way in this respect and indeed was now used as a template by the authors of that report.

According to the Sinn Féin representative “St. Davnet’s is now been made the victim of its own success. However many professionals within the psychiatric services still believe that there is still a need for an admissions unit at St. Davnet’s catering for people with severe problems or who have no family to support them in the wider community”.

He continued: “The proposed closure of the ‘Day Centre’ runs contrary to stated government policy as set out in the aforementioned ‘vision for change’ which encourages care in the community.” Cllr. McKenna called on the HSE to recognise the tremendous contribution that St. Davnet’s had provided and continues to provide to those in need of psychiatric services. He also stated that the fact that the Regional Health Forum had unanimously supported a motion calling for the retention of these services presented a challenge to the HSE and the government; “will they accept the wishes of the only democratic forum established under the HSE system?” he asked.

McKenna keeps pressure on HSE for Monaghan’s CT Scanner

The Sinn Féin representative on the H.S.E. Regional Health Forum, Cllr. Brian McKenna, raised the issue of the long promised CT scanner for Monaghan General Hospital at Monday’s meeting of the body. In a question to HSE officials Cllr. McKenna asked if the new CT scanner had been installed; if not, when would it be so; and when will the necessary staff to operate the scanner be in position?

In their response the HSE stated that “the new CT scanner for Monaghan Hospital has been delivered and is currently being installed and is due to be commissioned in the near future. Training for staff has been ongoing and the service is expected to commence in June on a phased basis initially, with support from Radiology Staff in Cavan. A total of 1.2 WTE Posts has been agreed under the Transformation programme for this service.”

In reply Cllr. Mckenna expressed disappointment with the HSE response stating that it appeared that the operational date for the scanner has been put on the long finger once again, this time till June. “At our meeting in January I was informed that the CT scanner would in commissioned by mid-February. This is not acceptable and I will be doing my best to ensure that it is put in place, as promised, as soon as possible” he concluded.

Carthy launches comprehensive Sinn Féin proposals to tackle youth unemployment

(Cllr. Kathleen Funcion, Kilkenny; Senator Pearse Doherty, Donegal; Cllr. Matt Carthy, Monaghan and Cllr. Cathal King, Dublin at the launch of Sinn Féin's proposals to tackle youth unemployment)
South Monaghan Sinn Féin Councillor, Matt Carthy, has, in the past week, launched a comprehensive party policy document which he claims the government should implement if it has any desire to tackle youth unemployment. At the launch, held in Buswells hotel in Dublin, Cllr. Carthy was joined by Sinn Féin Senator Pearse Doherty and other Councillors who, together with other young party activists and officials, have drafted and developed the document entitled: “No Job? No Future? No Way!” Speaking at the launch Cllr. Carthy said that, if implemented, Sinn Féin’s proposals would get 50,000 people under the age of twenty-five off the dole immediately and create many more jobs in the years ahead. The proposals include a specific youth jobs fund, measures to facilitate self employment and a specific focus on growth sectors such as digital media, tourism, green jobs and agri-food.

Cllr. Carthy said:

“If action is not taken to tackle Ireland’s soaring youth unemployment, and soon, there will be huge implications for the economy and for society into the future. But the government has no strategy to keep young people in Ireland and to use their skills to rebuild the economy. It has no vision for the future. They are hoping that emigration will hide the true extent of unemployment amongst the young. It is clear that the Government’s decision to cut youth dole payments was done to encourage young people to leave Ireland.

“The fact is that there are many measures that the government could be implementing to tackle youth unemployment. Sinn Féin is presenting these solutions and we are determined to campaign for their implementation.

“We cannot sit on our hands and see the best minds of this generation of young people wasted or exported. If we are to rebuild a sustainable and vibrant economy these are the people who will do it. The young unemployed must be given the opportunity to work and to use their skills and education.

“Investing in tackling youth unemployment now will pay dividends well into the future. In my own county of Monaghan we already know the negative impact in having a significant proportion of our youth population living and working outside of the county as this was the case even during the years of the so-called Celtic Tiger. We simply cannot afford for it to be exacerbated by a Fianna Fáil government who has so little concern for young people in general and County Monaghan in particular” he said.

Sinn Féin’s proposals include:

• A youth jobs fund to create 20,000 new jobs at a cost of €500 million;
• An individual plan for the long term prospects of every person under 25 who is on the live register;
• 2,000 places on a ‘One More Language Scheme’ to give the young unemployed a chance to learn an extra foreign language at a cost of €20million;
• 5,000 free ECDL advanced places at a cost of €25 million;
• 10,000 new CE places at a cost of €168 million;
• 1,000 places on conversion courses at third level to help graduates convert their skills to potential growth sectors at a cost of €15 million;
• 8 measures to treble the number of under 25’s who are self employed including a national entrepreneurship programme, access to credit and greater support for high potential start ups;
• Create a publicly owned green tech firm for Ireland and initiate a major drive to attract FDI in renewable energy at a cost of €100 million;
• Make Ireland a digital media leader through support for skills, infrastructure and entrepreneurship;
• A ‘National Development Scheme’ to employ people directly on public works projects employing 2,000 workers at a cost of approx €100 million;
• Lift the suspension on the early farm retirement scheme to make farming an option for younger people.

Cllr. Carthy continued: “Our proposals show that it is possible to beat youth unemployment with imaginative thinking and a political commitment. This has been completely absent from the Government’s approach to the jobs crisis.”

The full details of the Sinn Féin plan to tackle youth unemployment can be accessed at the party’s website at www.sinnfein.ie or by contacting the Monaghan constituency office at 047-82917.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sinn Féin reps call on An Bord Pleanála to reject EirGrid application

In an impressive sign of party unity Sinn Féin elected representatives, from across the region impacted by the EirGrid proposals to erect massive 400kv power lines and pylons, submitted a joint submission to An Bord Pleanála last week.

In a submission that states clearly the party’s opposition to the EirGrid plans the Sinn Féin representatives also articulate their view that the project can and should proceed, but only via the alternative underground method favoured by local communities.

Prior to the submission being delivered to An Bord Pleanála Sinn Féin representatives from Counties Monaghan, Cavan and Meath came together and again reaffirmed the party’s determination to stand in full support of the community opposition to the current proposal. A similar submission has been made by the party to the planning authorities in the six counties. Among those at the meeting last week were Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD and Monaghan County Councillors Matt Carthy, Noel Keelan and Jackie Crowe.

In their submission the Sinn Féin representatives record their outright opposition “to the stated intent of Eirgrid to introduce an overhead pylon-supported 400kv interconnector through our countryside, across the lands of our neighbours and friends and dangerously close to homes, schools and other facilities frequently used by people and fields and facilities constantly in use by farm animals and those who tend to them”.

The submission contends that Eirgrid have continuously refused to consider the underground alternative stating that this “was best exemplified in their stated options, all three being overground pylon-supported routes. Their rigid dismissal of the validly-held concerns of citizens, and the wholly sustainable arguments against an overground approach, places their so-called consultation process outside the acceptable parameters of such an exercise”.

The Sinn Féin submission strongly objects to the proposals contained in Eirgrid’s application, now due for consideration by An Bord Pleanála, and it provides 6 key reasons for its refusal. They are:

1) There are real causes of concern for human and animal health arising from the nearby presence of overground cables.
• This is a view supported by several expert reports.
• Electromagnetic fields now have a reported danger level greater than has heretofore been realised.
• A significant body of research points to young children being most at risk.

2) The overwhelming number of affected landowners, most of whom are actively involved in farming, are opposed to what will prove to be a major intrusion, not just for those currently working the land but generationally into the future. Land will be closed to many activities and values will drop accordingly. The very presence of the pylons, and their load carriage, will be a turn-off for potential clients/investors in these farms in the future.

a. There will be significant curtailments of current farming practices by the presence of these pylons.
b. Livestock, and those who tend to them, will be placed at risk from emissions.

3) Residences, be they those of farmers or standalone rural dwellings of those not involved in agriculture, will face a downturn in value.

a. Sites, and possible sites, for domestic purposes will no longer attract the same interest.
b. Other attractions, business, social, leisure and cultural will be negatively affected.

4) The threat to schoolchildren and teachers and to those in nearby employments has already sparked serious anxiety, threatening the very fabric and future of our communities.

a. Our potential for development, for new and innovative business and community initiatives will be seriously curtailed.

5) The visual impact is certainly off-putting and arguably prohibitive and dramatically alters the environment and the natural presentation of our, to date, unspoiled countryside.

a. A recent report highlighted Cavan and Monaghan as a tourist destination because these counties can boast an unspoilt landscape.
b. Our drumlin topography is rich in sites of interest with known and as yet unresearched archaeologically important sites atop many of our countless hills.

6) The cost to each of us, the consumer, will be greater over the lifetime of the interconnector if the overground approach is to proceed.

a. While the ‘on paper’ initial outlay would appear to favour the overground method on economic grounds, the length of time involved in its physical construction as against the acceptable underground approach, the anticipated difficulties that will present from landowners and threatened families and communities, the greater maintenance cost of overground systems and the known greater outage rates of same, all place the underground cabling approach well ahead in cost terms over an anticipated forty year lifecycle.

Ó Caoláin remarks:

Speaking following the presentation of the Sinn Féin submission to An Bord Pleanála Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin stated that he hoped that their would be united political opposition to this project. Outlining the reasons why his party presented a united and joint submission to the bord Deputy Ó Caoláin stated: “As an all-Ireland party with elected representatives in all five counties affected by both the EirGrid and NIE plans we wanted to state clearly our view that this project can only proceed on the basis of the underground alternative. We also wished the record to show that we are not only voices in opposition to Eirgrid’s plans. We are voices that support absolutely the objective of putting in place an interconnector north-south and the creation of an all-Ireland electricity market. And we are wholly convinced that that goal will be best achieved by the underground cable method and for the reasons we clearly articulated.

“We have appealed, in the strongest possible terms, to An Bord Pleanála to reject the Eirgrid application and to find in favour of the undergrounding alternative that is steadily proving to be not only the popular choice of communities but the first choice of better-informed, more community-aware and far-sighted companies and systems installers globally.

“Faoi thalamh an bealach is fearr” he concluded.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Monaghan Delegates make major contribution to Sinn Féin Ard Fheis

Dozens of Monaghan delegates made up part of the 2,000 plus in attendance at last weekends Sinn Féin Ard Fheis held in Dublin’s RDS.

In wide ranging debates dealing with social and economic matters, the crisis in our health services and the need to advance towards a United Ireland, County Monaghan delegates contributed throughout and argued their positions cogently.

Monaghan Motions

Monaghan delegates were particularly pleased that many motions submitted from the county, both by the governing Comhairle Ceanntair and by local Cumainn, were adopted by the Ard Fheis.

A motion proposed by the Comhairle Ceanntair in support of the local communities campaigning against EirGrid and NIE’s plans to impose high voltage power-lines through the North East was unanimously passed by the Ard Fheis.

The motion, which was officially proposed to the Ard Fheis by South Monaghan Councillor, Matt Carthy, read:

‘This Ard Fheis expresses its ongoing support for the communities in Counties Monaghan, Cavan, Meath, Armagh and Tyrone who are campaigning against the plans of EirGrid and NIE to impose overhead high voltage power lines and associated pylons through these counties. We call on the Irish Government and Assembly Executive to instigate a policy of under-grounding high voltage power lines in the best interests of the environment and to minimise the impact of this type of infrastructure on communities affected. Pending the development of such policy we call on the planning authorities, North and South, to reject the applications for the North-South Interconnector, considering the large number of unanswered questions regarding the environmental and health implications of the current proposals’.

Cllr. Carthy reminded delegates that two years ago Sinn Féin became the first party with a specific policy calling for the undergrounding of high voltage power-lines. “Two years on we are still the ONLY party to have that policy” he said. Cllr. Carthy said that while local Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil representatives were “talking a good game” unless their parties undertook to implement the same policy as Sinn Féin then local communities would fear that their concerns are being ignored by these politicians.

Health issues & Monaghan Hospital

As party spokesperson on Health & Children, Cavan/ Monaghan Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin received high praise from the Ard Fheis for his consistent position in support of patients and local health care provision.

In his own remarks during the health section of the Ard Fheis Deputy Ó Caoláin stated that within the past year the Fianna Fáil government has stepped up its attacks on our public health services. In clear and unambiguous language the Sinn Féin Dáil leader outlined clearly where his party stand on the issue of returning services to local hospitals which this government has removed.

He said: “As a result of the Health Service Executive Service Plan for 2010, recently approved by Mary Harney, a further 1,100 acute hospital beds will be taken out of our public hospital system this year. There will be 33,000 fewer hospital admissions in 2010.

“Contrary to the hype and spin of Health Minister Harney and HSE Chief Drumm this is not about making the system more efficient and better for patients; it is about further cost-cutting in a public health system that already has a shortage of hospital beds and staff.

“This year we have already seen a record-breaking 500 patients on trolleys and chairs in A&E departments on one day in January. Yet with fewer hospital beds and fewer staff the HSE Service Plan outlines ‘service levels’ with 100% of patients admitted or discharged from A&E within six hours of registration. It is totally unrealistic. It is not in the real world of the public health service. It is another false promise from the far-away planet inhabited by Mary Harney and Brendan Drumm.

“But let’s be very clear. This can’t all be pinned on Minister Harney; the entire Cabinet and the Fianna Fáil party and Green Party in the Oireachtas bear full responsibility for the desperate state of our health services.

“In Budget 2010 they imposed further cutbacks on public health services and they announced another great example of the Fianna Fáil/Green concept of fairness. For years Sinn Féin and others have stressed the need for action to reduce the exorbitant cost of medicines in the health system. Nothing was done about this during the Celtic Tiger years. Now guess who is being asked to pay? As in the case of NAMA and the bank bail-out, it is not the profiteers who are being forced to pay but the people.

“This Government is about to impose prescription charges of up to €10 per month on medical card holders. In a couple of weeks they will bring in legislation to provide for this. I challenge here today those Fianna Fáil backbenchers who staged a mock revolt over the public service pay talks last December. Will they now stand up for their constituents and refuse to support this charge? They know very well that once introduced the prescription charge will be increased year on year, undermining the medical card and hitting the least well off. Let them put up or shut up” he said.

Deputy Ó Caoláin reaffirmed Sinn Féin’s commitment to an all-Ireland, single-tier, universal health system with equal access for all based on need alone and funded from general progressive taxation. That is the only fair and efficient alternative to the chaos which reigns at present. “We reaffirm our commitment to the local hospital network, the restoration and retention of the maximum possible number of services and opposition to closures and downgrading such as imposed on the people of Monaghan” he concluded.

Delegates unanimously adopted a motion on the issue of Monaghan General Hospital proposed by Monaghan Town Councillor Padraigín Uí Mhurchadha. It read:

‘This Ard Fheis calls for the restoration of all acute services to Monaghan General Hospital and roundly condemns the action of this Fianna Fáil/Green Party government who have presided over the final removal, as and from 22nd July 2009, of the last acute services from this once proud General Hospital facility. We call on all political parties, without exception, to commit now, in advance of the next General Election, to the restoration of these essential services for the people of Co. Monaghan and the hospital’s natural hinterland, north and south of the border.

We urge all political coalition parties to pledge to restore, retain and develop the network of local hospital sites across the 26 Counties and to undertake a serious engagement with the counterparts north of the border leading to the development initially of better cross-border co-operation in healthcare delivery systems and ultimately towards a fully integrated single All-Ireland health system delivering a free at the point of access top class service to all across this island and on the basis of need and need alone’.

In moving the motion Cllr. Uí Mhurchadha stated that government representatives in this constituency “as they have failed the people of both Counties Cavan and Monaghan”. She said that it wasn’t simply good enough for the Fianna Fáil representatives to “wash their hands of the service cuts after service cuts that have reduced Monaghan General Hospital to its current position. They cannot simply state that on one hand they support our hospital and yet claim that they have no power to act. “Likewise, I am calling on Fine Gael to join Sinn Féin in adopting a very clear position of returning and developing services to our hospital if and when they are in a position to do so. It is disappointing that, thus far, they have failed to make that commitment.

Children’s Referendum

Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin moved an Emergency Motion to the Ard Fheis on the proposed children’s referendum. He pointed out that this issue was especially relevant this week when the disgraceful neglect of children in State care has been highlighted. “Over 20 children have died in State care since 2000. None of the reports on their deaths have been published officially” he said.

“There needs to be concerted action to ensure the provision of the essential resources and services to protect children at risk. And there needs to be action to vindicate the rights of children in law and in the Constitution.

The final report of the Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children (of which Deputy Ó Caoláin is a member) was published last month and it presents an important opportunity to strengthen children’s rights in this State.

“It is time for a referendum to be held that will ensure children have constitutionally recognised rights as individuals, beyond those derived from their status as members of a family as defined in the 1937 Constitution.

“Sinn Féin believes that this report is an important step on the road to cherishing all children of the nation equally. It is now up to government to take the wording offered and hold a referendum that will afford children specific rights to care and well-being and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.

The amendment should also go some way to addressing the obstacles affecting child protection systems. If an amendment such as the one contained in the report was enshrined in the Constitution, the State would have sufficient power to intervene on behalf of all children at risk regardless of their parents’ marital status.

“Sinn Féin is calling on the Government to table legislation to hold a referendum on the issue of children’s rights as a matter of urgency. We also need to see a Referendum Commission established as soon as possible, one that will inform people in a clear and comprehensive way about all the issues involved”.


The Ard Fheis also heard various speakers outline their views on the various prospects for the party in the aftermath of a General Election. Delegates endorsed the position articulated by their Dáil Leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD. In his remarks he said:

“We all know too well the appalling record in government of Fianna Fáil. We have no illusions about what they represent. We are and will remain independent.

“The issue for Sinn Féin is twofold: Firstly, whether any of the other parties could measure up to the policy commitments we require. Secondly, whether entering a coalition would enhance our political strength and advance our struggle for Irish unity and equality. We would have to satisfy ourselves that the answer to both of those questions would be ‘yes’ before coalition could even be considered. We would have to be satisfied, as the motion states, that any draft Programme for Government put before this Ard Fheis would be rooted in republican principles and would advance our policy platform. And we would have to be satisfied also that any such decision would maintain our unity and cohesion as a party.

“The bar is set very high and I see no party at present that comes anywhere near to meeting our requirements. Our job now is to build our party, to build alliances with people in communities across Ireland, to grow from the grassroots, to make our political project the catalyst for the empowerment of people. Our ultimate ambition is to be the vehicle through which the people take power away from those who have dominated and abused the people’s trust over successive decades”.

Catch & Release

The Cathaoirleach of Monaghan Town Council, Seán Conlon, achieved full support for a motion he proposed calling for the introduction of ‘catch and release’ legislation that will stem the continuing decline of pike and course fish stocks from our nation’s lakes and water courses.

He stated “anglers, who for generations had been abiding by the standard practice of returning fish after being landed, have ensured the protection of not only a treasured pastime for thousands of Irish anglers and tourists but importantly secured the future sustainability of a delicate natural resource. For our young people especially, this has enhanced their awareness of ecological and environmental education by participating in angling events and competitions.

“Complimentary to the societal benefits is the considerable factor of Ireland’s reputation as one of the worlds leading angling tourism destinations. The failure of government in enacting thorough and robust legislation will lead to a collapse in this valuable social and economic resource and ultimately an environmental disaster.

“With increased immigration to Ireland many new people, particularly from eastern European countries are enjoying the benefits of Irish angling facilities. Unfortunately some of these people do not share the traditional catch and release ethos that has always been the mainstay of this type of fishing in Ireland. This approach has contributed to a decimation of pike and course fish and the current vague and outdated bye-laws are useless in tackling the problem.

“Signage and occasional prosecution will not reverse this trend and integral to the implementation of future laws will be measures to build positive relations between indigenous anglers and those who are new to the concept of the ‘catch and release’ philosophy. A minor fish kill that occurred last week in Peter’s Lake in my own town of Monaghan is proof if needed that the eco-systems that many of these species habitat are extremely fragile. The passage of new legislation will go a considerable distance in ensuring future generations will still avail of this treasured pastime” he concluded.

Oireachtas & Electoral Reform

On Saturday delegates endorsed a call from Cavan/ Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin to endorse a motion setting out a programme of democratic reforms which are sorely needed to make the Dáil and Seanad truly accountable to the people. Deputy Ó Caoláin spelt out his party’s position clearly: “We are for the abolition of the undemocratic and unrepresentative Seanad” he said. “We are proposing its replacement with a new democratically elected second chamber that would provide a new aspect to representative government”.

Deputy Ó Caoláin continued: “People are understandably and justifiably tired of the way democratic institutions have been misused by the establishment political parties in this State for decades. They have treated them as their personal fiefdoms, a place of perks and privileges. Instead of forums of the people they have become platforms for careerist politicians. That must change if we are to being about a real and meaningful transformation in politics in this country. And of course they must be part of a transition to an all-Ireland democracy, a truly national Dáil Éireann”.

Working towards Irish Unity

Clones Councillor, Pat Treanor, told delegates that there was a need to step up the campaign to deliver a United Ireland. He said that border communities in particular had suffered the everyday experience of partition, and had a special role to play in any such campaign.

Cllr. Treanor said: “The purpose of the actions arising from this campaign would be to demonstrate the nonsense of the border through real cases north and south, and the discrimination facing communities in this region. The border community is best placed to advocate and put forward the real life cases that they face on a daily basis, as it did in the 80s and early 90s in relation to the closure of border crossings.

“We have seen how issues such as social welfare entitlements, roaming charges for mobile phone users, additional charges and regulations for farmers, tax liabilities and many more are impacted negatively because of the border. Border businesses operate in a distorted economic environment, with price differences benefiting traders on one side to the detriment of those on the other. While the balance shifts from time to time, the distortion has led to a boom or bust scenario for many border towns. The only consistent beneficiaries have been smugglers who will seize on any opportunity to profit from the distortion in either direction, or both! Indeed, multinationals have become the new smugglers with their outlets north and south charging different prices for the same products – 30 to 50% difference in some cases.

“We need to build the debate in a positive way. It is timely, reasonable and rational to be talking about ending partition and moving towards a united Ireland. 20 years ago around this time the border roads campaign was in place. Local communities succeeded in getting rid of the dragon’s teeth and the permanent vehicle checkpoints. Its now time to remove the remaining barriers to progress” he concluded.

Speaking in the same section Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin spoke of the work of the Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement which was established in 2007. Outlining Sinn Fein’s approach to the committee Deputy Ó Caoláin said “We stated at the time that its establishment was welcome but short of what we in Sinn Féin believe is necessary. Since the Good Friday Agreement Sinn Féin has argued strongly for a much greater level of engagement on the Agreement by the Oireachtas. We have called for representation in the Dáil for citizens in the Six Counties. We maintain this call and we do not see the Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement as a substitute for Six-County representation in the Dáil.

“For a long number of years partitionism has been actively fostered in this State and it is still a major problem, in spite of all the progress made in the Peace Process.

“Do we constantly have to remind journalists and broadcasters and State agencies and people in public life that Ireland does not stop at Dundalk or Monaghan or Lifford?

“The population of Ireland is 5.9 million, not 4.2 million.

“The United Ireland we seek is not a 32-County version of the State and the economy of the 26 Counties. It is not a cobbling together of the two existing jurisdictions. It is a new dispensation, a new political reality on this island.

“The question should not be ‘Can we afford a United Ireland’? The question should be ‘Can we afford not to unite Ireland?’ We have a small island with three governments in Dublin, Belfast and Westminster. As our proposed Mission Statement on Irish Unity states:

“Partition disrupts and distorts community, social and cultural life as well as trade and commerce, and entails waste and duplication in public services. The full social, economic, cultural and political potential of the island of Ireland and its people can best be realised in the context of an end to partition.”

“The historic mission of this party is to end Partition and build a New Ireland” the Sinn Féin Dáil leader concluded.

Highlights of the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis, including video coverage, can be accessed at the party’s website http://www.sinnfein.ie/

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis calls for radical action to create jobs

Among the key themes at the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis was the need to create jobs and rejuvenate the economy. Delegates endorsed detailed policy proposals aimed at getting Ireland back to work. Speaker after speaker highlighted the failures of the current Fianna Fáil/ Green Party government but also the policies of Fine Gael which were described as no different to the positions of the current government.

Speaking live on RTÉ and BBC on Saturday morning Sinn Féin Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin argued the need for the protection of public services from cutbacks and the need to integrate public services North and South.

He said: “Public Services are under attack because Fianna Fáil-led Governments by their bad policies and bad management over the past 12 years have bankrupted the economy. And how are they trying to fix it?

“Not by calling to account the bankers and developers and property speculators and the so-called regulators who caused it. Not by making the wealthy pay their fair share.

“No, the Fianna Fáil solution is to slash the wages of low paid workers, slash social welfare and slash public services. Public services are being undermined and public servants are being demonised.

“Who are these public servants? They are the nurses who care for people in hospital and in the community. They are the teachers who teach our children. They are the firefighters and gardai who protect our communities. They are the workers who keep our water flowing and our streets clean.

“In the past year as recession deepened and as the Fianna Fáil/Green Government cut savagely into our public services, Sinn Féin representatives in the Oireachtas, on local authorities and in our communities have been battling side by side in solidarity with all those who are determined to maintain vital public services.

“We have highlighted the heartlessness of a Government that could take €8.50 per week out of the pockets of people who are caring for elderly or disabled relatives in their homes. We have opposed the plans of a Government that wants to fatally damage our health services by taking a further 1,100 acute hospital beds out of the system in 2010. We have stood against a Government that trumpets its commitment to education but that condemns children to learn in pre-fabs and takes support away from children with special needs.

“But we have done more. We have presented our real, viable alternatives, based on fairness, efficiency and the delivery of better services to the people. And those services will be delivered better also on an all-Ireland basis. We must end the duplication of Departments and agencies and systems on this small island and integrate our public services” he concluded.


Later on Saturday Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin led the party’s charge against NAMA stating: “There is no doubt about who Fianna Fáil and the Greens are serving with NAMA. It is a bailout for the greediest and the most corrupt in Irish society.

“Throughout the so-called Celtic Tiger years, Fianna Fáil-led Governments pampered this elite group. They allowed them to benefit from massive tax breaks at unknown cost to the State. They allowed them to determine the State’s housing policy – a policy which was no policy but to let the market drive everything. And it drove property prices to unreal and unsustainable levels and drove the economy over a cliff.

“It drove a frenzy of greed for property, inducing many who could not afford to do so, to borrow to buy in the grossly inflated market. It drove debt to levels previously unknown in this country. It was fuelled by cheap loans supplied by a banking system corrupted by the culture of greed that saw massive salaries, bonuses and perks lavished at all senior levels in the financial institutions.

“Who are the biggest losers in all of this? Not the bankers and the property speculators who did the crime because they will never do the time. Not the politicians who facilitated them because no-one in Fianna Fáil or the PDs and now the Green Party ever admit any responsibility for anything and they are never made to pay the price for their disastrous policies and disastrous management.

“No, the real losers in all of this are the hundreds of thousands who have lost their jobs, they are the families saddled with massive mortgages for whom the fear of losing their homes is a constant in their daily lives, they are the lower and middle income earners who are being punished by savage Budget cuts, they are the young with no prospects of work at home, the carers and cared for, the children with special educational needs and the blind. In this society today people are forced to pass on a doctor’s visit or on their medication because they have to meet other pressing needs for themselves and their families.

“The restructured banking sector envisaged by Sinn Féin goes far beyond just restoring normality to the system. There was nothing normal about a sector that systematically overcharged customers, was complicit in tax evasion and routinely withdrew access to financial services from working class and rural areas because of profit pursuit. As well as intense regulation of the sector, Sinn Féin wants to see a banking system that contributes to the greater good of an economy that serves society as a whole. We also want to see all those who participated in and encouraged the practices that brought about the current crisis held to account and criminal convictions pursued” he said.

McCarthy Report

In his remarks North Monaghan Councillor, Brian McKenna said that the government has no mandate to implement the McCarthy report. “Fianna Fáil were elected on promises of lower taxes and higher spending while the Green Party were elected on a promise of delivering world peace” he joked.

“Since then we have seen broken promise after broken promise. In County Monaghan we have seen the removal of hospital services and the slashing of community funding right across the board. The McCarthy report is being implemented by stealth.

“Across this state we are seeing the outworking of a report that was drafted by right-wing economists at the behest of a right wing government. Any further implementation of the McCarthy report will devastate healthcare for the sick, education for children, care for older people and social supports for all those who need them.

“Having refused to accept responsibility for the economic recession which was caused by its policies, the Government is now using the McCarthy report as the basis for cuts that will hit the most vulnerable the hardest. At the same time it is trying to claim credit when it does not implement some of the harshest measures.

“This Fianna Fáil and Green Party Government have no mandate to implement any such programme. Therefore it should put this programme before the people in a General Election. Let the Government parties and indeed all parties set out their plans to address the economic crisis and let the people decide” Cllr. McKenna stated.


During the education section County Monaghan schoolteacher, Enda Tourish outlined the implications that government cutbacks have already had on the education of young people. He also outlined the anger felt by many teachers at the manner in which wage cuts have been implemented by the government. “Teachers and children and others who provide and use public services are the people who are paying the heaviest price of Fianna Fáil in power” he said.

Providing an effective opposition

Speaking at the Ard Fheis South Monaghan Councillor, Matt Carthy, stated that it was Sinn Féin alone who would represent the needs of those people who were let down by Fianna Fáil over the past decade.

He said: “Unemployment, poverty, emigration and partition are realities for this generation just as they were for our counterparts in the thirties, the fifties, the eighties.

“And why are we back to this point? Because the same politics, implemented by the same parties, continues to dominate this state.

“We have a government that refuses to stand up to the vested interests that created an economic crisis; that forces hundreds of thousands of young people to live in poverty or to move abroad. A government that bails out the banks but shrugs as they tell local communities ‘the money’s just not there’.

“And standing in the wings, ready to take power simply because people are so fed up with Fianna Fail are Fine Gael and Labour.

“We don’t have to wait until they’re in power to know they will be no different.

“When Fianna Fáil were privatising state assets, crippling broadband provision, wiping out the Irish sugar industry and costing thousands of Irish jobs in companies like Aer Lingus– Fine Gael supported them.

“When Fianna Fáil cut the wages and living conditions of the low paid and the unemployed – Fine Gael promised they could do worse.

“And while Fianna Fáil have gutted services from hospitals such as in Monaghan – Fine Gael have said they will not restore them.

“These parties don’t represent the young unemployed or family farmers, or low paid workers or are those who want to see a United Ireland.

“In Sinn Féin we know whose side we’re on and we don’t care if the media, or big business, or the cosy political cartel don’t like it.

“We’re on the side of jobs for our young people. We’re on the side of fair play for local communities. We’re on the side of a health service that doesn’t care how much money is in your bank account.

“Put simply, we’re on the side of the Irish people so let’s take that message to the country.

“Ireland, now, more than ever needs a strong Sinn Féin. Let us go into our communities and deliver just that”.